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How to Get Skin that Glows with 5 Easy Tips

How to Get Skin that Glows with 5 Easy Tips

In a perfect world, we’d all have glowing goddess skin all the time! Instead, you’ve got work to balance, schedules for three kids to manage, and a never-ending pile of laundry that needs to be done (don’t forget to go put that last load in the dryer)! 

Who has time to think about glowing skin when you’re rocking a full time schedule as a queen?

Luckily, we’ve rounded up some super easy  tips for you that will slide right into your routine effortlessly- so your skin will be glowing no matter what task you’re conquering next! Trust us, your skin will thank you. 

1) Drink more water! 

We know it’s kind of an obvious one, but when was the last time you actually had the time to drink your full recommendation of water in a day? Hydrated skin is happy skin, and it starts on the inside! Fill up a bottle of water so you can drink up on the go. 

Pro tip: If you need extra hydrating power, fruits and veggies like watermelon, cucumber, and celery are all great ways to soak in some extra fluids! For those days when you just can’t drink one more glass, grab an apple and stay hydrated. 

2) Protect your skin from sun damage

Who has time for a sunburn? Not you! Even small amounts of exposure to the sun can not only dry your skin out, but can cause long term damage. 

Use foundation with SPF in it and avoid having to put on sunscreen AND makeup, because you do it all in one go! Our BB Cream will help your skin look flawless and protect it from the sun, all at once, so you can feel confident and glow at the same time!

3) Get in more vitamin C.

Vitamin C has a ton of health benefits, but one that shines extra bright in our books is that it results in healthier skin! You can take a daily vitamin, use a serum or cream with vitamin C, or our personal favorite, drink a tall glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. Adding vitamin C to your routine will help your skin glow from the inside out!

4) Wash your face!

But not with a bunch of different steps and products that could actually be drying your skin out more (aka removing the glow!) Instead, check out these ONE STEP (yep, just one step!) makeup removing cloths! Wipe off all of the extra makeup and grease from your skin with just the cloth and water to get clean skin that glows, without the use of a bunch of products to dry it out. 

We know, a one-step makeup remover sounds a little too good to be true but we promise, it is! And it’s going to rock your world! Find out how it works in this post here.

5) Fake it til you make it!

Just like the weather outside, our skin goes through seasons. For those days when it’s feeling a little dull or dry, we’ve got a secret weapon for you: BRONZER. 

With just a couple of swipes of your favorite bronzer you can give yourself a natural-looking, beautiful glow! It’s your secret weapon for those skin days that need a little glow-up. 

You GLOW girl, right to your soul! You deserve skin that radiates! We hope these tips help you find your shine! If you found them helpful, be sure to share them with your favorite women so they can start glowing, too! 

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What’s the Magic Behind Our Makeup Remover Cloths?

What’s the Magic Behind Our Makeup Remover Cloths?

Not too long ago, we introduced a new product to our online catalog—makeup remover cloths. These reusable cloths are designed to wipe the makeup right off your face without using any soaps, scrubs, astringents, or other chemical-laden cleaners. And, if you’ve had the chance to use them already, you know that they really work.

But exactly how do they work? How does a wet cloth, with no soaps or cleaners, wipe the makeup from your face as easily as the sleeve of Mulan’s dress when she’s singing “Reflection”? Despite what it might seem, it’s not exactly witchcraft. In fact, it’s a pretty simple secret, and we’re going to tell it to you.

It’s All in the Fibers

The thing that makes these cloths different from a standard washcloth is the density of the fabric’s pile. The fleece-like fabric used to make our makeup remover cloths has an incredibly high fiber density. That doesn’t just make it feel luxuriously soft—though that is definitely a perk. This high density of fibers gives the cloth more surface area to clean your skin. So, instead of just having 5 larger fibers going over an area of your skin, you have 50, which gives the cloth a lot more scrubbing power, removing more makeup with less irritation.

Those smaller fibers can also get into the fine lines and creases in your skin, as well as picking up finer particles of makeup. And, because there are so many fibers in these cloths, they are much more effective at binding the dirt and makeup that they lift off your skin, so you’re not just smearing it back on as you rub.

How Effective Are They Really?

If you haven’t tried these cloths yet, you’re probably a bit skeptical. It’s okay, we understand. But, despite how incredible it might sound, our makeup remover cloths can actually be more effective at removing your makeup than washing your face with water and a standard facial scrub.

In fact, we had someone who had never tried this kind of product before test ours out. Her usual end-of-day facial routine included washing her face twice with a face wash, then using eye makeup remover and an astringent to get all of the makeup off. With the makeup removing cloths, she used only the cloth and it completely removed her makeup! She even used a cotton ball with astringent to see what was left, and there was barely a trace of foundation color on the cotton. Now that’s a pretty impressive result, if we say so ourselves.

In Case You’re Not Convinced…

Still not convinced to try these makeup remover cloths yourself? Consider these advantages:

  1. Less waste. No more tossing out several cotton balls or pads every day. No more lineup of several products that you have to replace every few months. Just these three little cloths that you can use again and again.
  2. Gentler on your skin. No harsh chemicals that dry out and irritate your skin. Just a gentle, luxurious cloth to softly cleanse your face.
  3. Save time. Say goodbye to that six-step facial cleansing routine. While you might still want to use your lotions and toners, these facial cloths will still cut your nighttime routine down significantly.
  4. Healthy, glowing skin. Even on your laziest days, you can remove your makeup before falling into bed. That means no more sleeping in your makeup, just because you’re too tired to run the gambit of washing it off. And that means your skin will be healthier every day. Plus, those microfibers gently exfoliate to give your skin a natural, beautiful glow.

While it may be science that makes our makeup remover cloths so effective, we still think they’re pretty magical. So what are you waiting for? Hop over to our store and try some for yourself today! We’re confident that you’ll love them as much as we do.

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The Ultimate Gift Finder Quiz for Every Woman on Your List

The Ultimate Gift Finder Quiz

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3 Products to Have at Work for Midday Touchups

3 Products to Have at Work for Midday Touchups

You put so much effort into perfecting your makeup every morning, and when you leave the house, you look your very best. But by midday, you might not feel as fresh-faced as you did when you first walked into the office. The products we carry at Shine are designed for all-day wear, so you can look your best from sunup to sundown. But even the best of products can benefit from a midday touchup. Here are 3 products we recommend having at work (either in your desk or in your purse) for just such an occasion.

Pressed Powder

For most women, midday shine (not the good kind, of course) is the bane of your makeup. The oils in your face slowly make their way to the surface, and you’re left with an unflattering sheen on your face that really seems to pop under the fluorescent office lights. Keeping your pressed powder on hand allows for fast and easy touchups to your makeup to fight that shine.

Obviously, you don’t want to wash your face and reapply midday, but you do need to do something with that oil buildup. We recommend finding a brand of oil-removing sheets that you like, but if you don’t have those on hand, even a tissue will help. Just blot the oiliest parts of your face, then apply the pressed powder, focusing on your T-zone. Our pressed powder comes in a convenient compact with an application pad and a mirror, so you can touch up your makeup wherever you are.

Lipstick or LipLast

The colors of our lipstick and LipLast products are designed for all-day wear. But if you’re wearing an especially bright and bold color, it’s natural to still see a little bit of fading. Most days, the color will still be vibrant enough that you can walk out of the office with confidence. But if you have a big presentation, or you’re going out for drinks after work, it’s a good idea to touch up your lip color a little.

Bring along whatever shade of lip color you’re currently wearing, or keep a favorite in your desk at work. When you’re ready to touch up your color, start by gently wiping your lips with a damp paper towel to even out the remaining color. Then just swipe on a new layer for a fresh, kissable look.

Makeup Remover

You’re probably thinking, “Wait a second. I thought this was about touching up my makeup, not taking it off!” And you’re right. But how many times have you accidentally smudged your eyeliner or mascara while at work? How often have you gone into the restroom around 3:00 in the afternoon, only to realize that your eyeshadow has begun to smear due to facial oils?

Sometimes, the best way to touch up your makeup is to just clean it up a little bit. So get an empty travel bottle from the store, and fill it with Shine’s makeup remover, and keep it in your desk with some cotton balls and swabs. Whenever you need it, just use a small amount of the makeup remover to clean up the edges of your makeup and keep things looking as sleek and fresh as possible until the very end of your workday.

With Shine’s products, a midday touchup is more of a bonus than a necessity. So, if you’re pressed on a deadline and don’t have time to touch up your makeup, don’t sweat it; our long-lasting products have your back. But when you have the time, these 3 products will help you weather those afternoon meetings and the post-lunch slump looking as fresh-faced as you did when you first clocked in.

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What Is Your Makeup Personality?

What Is Your Makeup Personality?

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6 Sophisticated Makeup Tips for Women Over 50

6 Sophisticated Makeup Tips for Women Over 50

So much of the cosmetics industry is focused on making us feel like we should remain forever young. And while it would be amazing to never develop wrinkles and keep our 20-something skin forever, that’s just not realistic. Besides, here at Shine, we believe that true beauty isn’t limited to your 20s. Rather than trying to apply a newer, younger face with your makeup, here are 6 ways you can use your makeup to help your natural, sophisticated beauty shine through every day.

Ditch Heavy Foundations

As your skin ages, you might feel tempted to hide those fine lines behind a layer of heavy makeup. But rather than giving you a fresh, youthful face, that heavy foundation sinks into those fine lines and emphasizes them. A heavy, cakey foundation is not your friend, so ditch it right away in favor of a lighter, creamier formula, like our BB Cream. Shine’s BB Cream dries to a soft, velvety texture that diminishes imperfections while providing a natural-looking finish for your skin.

Choose the Right Blush

Dark, heavy, or shimmery blush doesn’t usually work well for women over the age of 50. But that doesn’t mean you should be skipping the rouge altogether. In fact, a pop of color on your cheeks can be the perfect ticket to bright, healthy glow—if you pick the right color. Generally, a softer, peachy tone works best, as it gives a soft glow without being overwhelming. Our Invincible blush is a great shade for most women, and the buildable color allows you to get just the right amount of rouge for your skin tone.

Don’t Overdo the Powder

Powder is a great way to set your makeup, but once you’re out of your 20s, it’s important to use powder sparingly. Face powder can quickly become your greatest enemy, settling into the fine lines of your skin and instantly making you look older. Rather than brushing it all over your face, just dust a small amount down the T-zone to eliminate shine, and over the eyelids to prevent eyeshadow creasing. As long as you’re using the right foundation (see above), this should be more than enough.

Change Your Eye Makeup

If you’re applying the same eye makeup now as you did 10 years ago, then you need to rethink your makeup regimen. As you age, your eyes change shape, which means they need a different kind of makeup application to really shine. Think of it this way: Your body is probably a completely different shape now than it was in high school. And while your new body shape is still beautiful, it’s not going to look its best when you try to put on your high school jeans, now is it? You want to emphasize your new, womanly figure in all the right ways. The same concept applies to your eyes.

It’s best to avoid dark, heavy colors, as this can make your eyes look smaller and deeper set. Rather, use a soft layer of light, natural shadow on the eyelid—and yes, it’s totally acceptable to have a bit of shimmer in your eyeshadow if you want it! You should also make sure to apply more eyeliner on the top lash line than on the bottom to help open up your eyes and make them look instantly brighter.

A quick word on mascara: Black is always the best option, as it helps the eyes appear wider, makes lashes look thicker, and gives an overall more open, alert appearance.

Fill in Your Brows

It’s important that you not neglect your brow grooming. As we age, our eyebrows will naturally get thinner, so take the time to fill them in a little bit. Use a brow shadow instead of a pencil to achieve a softer, more natural look that emphasizes the true shape of your brows, rather than trying to draw yourself new ones.

Use the Right Lip Color

Finally, let’s talk about lip color. For most occasions, the best lip color is one that is just a shade darker than your own. This helps to keep things looking natural, and gives your lips an extra bit of plumpness and healthful color without detracting from your natural beauty. Starting with a good lip balm can also help to add a bit of volume to your lips while protecting them from drying out.

That being said, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re “too old” for a bold lip color. If you feel the occasion calls for a bright red lipstick, go for it! Just be sure to balance it out with a more understated eyeshadow color. And, on a related note, lip gloss is not just for teenagers either. A touch of gloss on your lips can really help to plump them up, and give you a nice bit of shimmer as well.

Ultimately, our message is this: Our makeup isn’t here to make you look 25 again. Our makeup is here to make you look stunning at any age, and to emphasize your incredible, natural beauty. No matter what your age, we don’t want to give you a new face—we just want to help you to truly shine.

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Product Tips and Advice: LipLast

Product Tips and Advice: LipLast

If you want deep color, you use lipstick. When you want staying power, you put on lip stain. If you want easy application, you use lip gloss. But what if you want all three? That’s when you bring out Shine’s amazing LipLast product. Keep reading to learn more about this incredible lip product, and to get a few tips for adding it to your makeup routine.

Features and Benefits

LipLast has everything you’ve ever wanted in a lip color:

  • Easy, one-swipe application
  • Comfortable, conditioning formula for softer lips
  • Highly pigmented for rich and vibrant color
  • Long-lasting formula to stay on all day
  • No chemical taste

This product applies like a lip gloss, colors like a lipstick, and stays like a lip stain! We currently carry LipLast in 13 beautiful colors, so you’re sure to find one—or several!—that you love.

Tips for Use

There’s really no secret to putting on LipLast. Like we said, it goes on as easily as a lip gloss! Just use the application wand to swipe the product evenly over your lips, given them a smack, and you’re ready to go. But if you want to step up your game a bit, here are a few extra tips:

  • Apply a lip liner in a complimentary color first. This will frame out your lips, and help the LipLast to stay within the natural borders of your lips.
  • If you feel like you applied a little too much, smack your lips on a tissue, just as you would to blot lipstick.
  • Not sure which of our 13 colors will work best for you? Take our Perfect Lip Color Quiz! It will help you find the best shade of LipLast or lipstick for your complexion and style.
  • For a smoother application, exfoliate your lips first. You can use a lip scrub, a soft-bristled toothbrush, or a damp washcloth.
  • The application wand included with our LipLast product is great. But if you feel like you need a little extra precision during application, try using a small lip brush to apply the product.

This incredible product is sure to become a staple in your makeup bag. Head on over to our shop and check out our LipLast colors to find one that is perfect for you!

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4 Ways to Look Good When You Feel Lousy

4 Ways to Look Good When You Feel Lousy

In a perfect world, life would be put on hold when you get sick. But as too many of us know, sick days at work are limited, and some things just can’t be postponed because of a cold. So when you’re feeling a little under the weather, but have to soldier on with your day, here are a few tips to help you still look your best—and hopefully, feel a little better.

Head Cold

When you have a cold, the skin around your nose is red and dried out from constant blowing. And while you may feel tempted to hide that red nose under a layer of foundation, this could actually have the opposite effect. After just a few encounters with a tissue, the foundation on and around your nose is going to start rubbing off. And, while the rest of your face remains smooth and flawless, your sore nose will stand out like even more of a beacon to your illness.

So, avoid heavy foundation and concealer. Instead, opt for a light powder that you can carry with you for post-tissue touch-ups. Shine’s pressed powder comes in a convenient compact with a makeup sponge and a mirror for just such occasions.

Additionally, you can draw the attention away from your sore nose by emphasizing your eyes. Go with a bold cat eye, a smoky effect, or something metallic—anything that will draw people’s attention to your gaze and away from your nose. Our Focus eyeliner is perfect for a dark, dramatic cat eye, and our Be Captivating Eyeshadow Palette is perfect for creating a smoky eye that isn’t too overpowering.

Stomach Bug

When you have a bit of a stomach bug, your face tends to get a little bit pale and ashen. You may even have a bit of a green tint. And while, ideally, you should be staying home with a stomach bug, if you have to step out, you can take away some of that sickly pallor with a touch of bronzer or blush. Add a bit of extra color to your cheeks, but don’t feel like you have to do full contouring; you should still be taking it easy.

If your lips are also looking a little lackluster, add a warm pink or neutral-toned lip stain. Odds are, your face will still look a little washed out, even with some extra blush, to don’t try to go too bold with your lip color today. Keep it as natural as possible, while still adding a bit of color back to those lips.


Spring and summer might give most people relief from colds and flus, but they bring their own kind of sickness—allergies. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you definitely can’t use them as an excuse to skip work or miss out on life. Instead, you have to find the best way to press on. As far as your makeup goes, this is the time of year to really focus on a bold lip.

Odds are, your eyes are a bit bloodshot and a little puffy. So when those bad allergy does hit, you don’t want to draw attention to your eyes with bold eye makeup. Pull the gaze to your lips instead, with a bolder lip color, like our Devoted or Intent shades from our LipLast line, or our lipstick in Fortunate.

Cold Sore

Cold sores are extremely common, but getting one can still make you feel like a leper, and you’ll likely find yourself trying to subtly cover your mouth with your hand all day. (Sorry to say it, but none of us are as subtle at this as we think we are.) This is another chance to use your makeup to draw attention away from the mouth and to the eyes.

Try using our Fiber Mascara to pump up the volume on your eyelashes and really catch people’s attention. You may also want to try a dramatic eyeshadow color look with our Be Cheerful Eyeshadow Palette. Keep your lips very neutral, with just a lip balm or a natural-looking gloss, and people will definitely be keeping their eyes on your gaze, and will never notice a little cold sore.

So if you’re feeling under the weather, but you can’t phone it in today, you can still look your best. Try these simple tips to help you shine, no matter what bug may befall you. And, hopefully, looking your best will help you feel just a little bit better too.

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Product Tips & Advice: Lip Liner

Product Tips & Advice: Lip Liner

If you’re a bit of a makeup novice, you might think that lip liner has only one purpose—outlining your lips. And while this is definitely its primary use, there are many different ways that you can use lip liner to define, plump, and color your lips. Ready to learn all of the ways you’ve been under-utilizing your lip liner? Keep reading to learn more about Shine’s silky smooth liner, and how you can better apply your lip liner every day.

Features and Benefits

If you’ve ever scraped your lips with the jagged edges of your lip liner, you know just how irritating that can be. But Shine’s lip liner uses a creamy, soft formula that goes on smoothly and gently, and the easy-to-sharpen tip guarantees a perfect point for precise lining. Here are a few other features of our lip liner:

  • Highly pigmented color
  • Long-lasting for all-day wear
  • Sharpens for precise application
  • 5 beautiful colors
  • Creamy, soft formula

With Shine’s lip liner, you get a precise, smooth line with every application, and all-day color that is sure to impress. Plus, as with all our products, our lip liner is hypoallergenic, paraben free, gluten free, and Leaping Bunny approved.

Tips for Use

Now for the fun part. Here’s a quick look at all the ways that you can use our luscious lip liners to amp up your makeup routine:

  • Always exfoliate first. You can’t get a smooth, clean line if your lips are chapped or cracked, so gently exfoliate your lips using a soft-bristled toothbrush or damp washcloth. You may also want to apply a moisturizing lip balm before you use your lip liner.
  • Sharpen your liner before every application. Then will ensure you get a cleaner, more precise line.
  • Even the creamiest of lip liners can get a little tough in cold weather. If the tip of your lip liner is a bit too hard, warm it up by rolling it between your thumb and index finger, or by briefly drawing on the back of your hand with it. (Pro tip: If your lip liner tugs on your lips at all when you’re applying it, then it needs to be softened a little.)
  • When applying lip liner, part your lips slightly to ensure your lips are maintaining their natural shape. This will make your line more precise.
  • Start by lining your cupid’s bow, then the corners and bottom of your mouth, before outlining the rest of your lips. This helps achieve a more even shape.
  • Use light, short strokes, rather than trying to trace in one smooth movement.
  • Want to emphasize your lips a little, but keep a natural look? Use a nude liner that’s close to your natural lip color, then blend it into your lips, and you’re ready for your day!
  • Try filling in your lips with lip liner, then top it with a gloss or tinted lip balm in a similar color. It’s a great substitute for lipstick!
  • You can also fill in your lips with liner to provide an even base for your lipstick. This prevents any subtle changes in lip color, where the lipstick might bleed over the lip liner.
  • Wearing a dramatic color? After you’ve applied your liner and lipstick, use a small brush to apply some concealer around your mouth, and ensure a strong, clean line all around.
  • Want to make your lips look a little larger? Apply a concealer over your lips to blur your natural lip line. Then, apply your lip liner just outside your natural lip line to make them look slightly fuller. Be sure to come back to your natural lip shape at the corners of your mouth, so you don’t give yourself clown lips! Fill in the outline you’ve made with a complementary color. Use a thick application so you can blend the color into your lip line. Use your finger to smooth it all out, and you have plump, luscious lips!

Bet you never thought lip liner could do so much for your lips! So break out that liner, and try out some of the tips mentioned above. You can turn that one-trick pony into a total showstopper in no time at all!

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Product Tips & Advice: Lip Gloss

Product Tips & Advice: Lip Gloss

Ah, lip gloss. For most of us, lip gloss has been a part of our look since middle school, if not sooner. It’s the quintessential “Jack of All Trades” in your makeup bag—great on its own for a laid-back, easygoing look, or over a base coat of lipstick to add some shine to a more dramatic look. But there’s one thing you wouldn’t think lip gloss could ever be, and that’s complicated. You’d likely never dream that you could be applying lip gloss in the wrong way. But you just might be. Or, at the very least, there might be a slightly better way than what you’ve been doing since middle school.

Keep reading to learn more about Shine’s fantastic line of lip glosses, and get a few tips on picking the right shade, getting more from this product, as well as how to improve your lip gloss application.

Features and Benefits

With most glosses, you have to choose between a color-rich lip gloss that is thick and sticky, or a smooth, silky lip gloss that is a little lackluster. Not so with Shine’s lip gloss. Our gloss glides on extra smooth, with a non-tacky formula that is rich with long-lasting color. This gloss will even condition your lips as you wear it, to make them extra kissable.

Our current lineup includes eight different colors, from traditional blush and rose tones, to shades of gold and plum.

Tips for Use

Lip gloss is hard to apply incorrectly. Just use the application want to apply an even coat over your lips. But if you want to improve the look of your lip gloss, instead of just having a passable pout, try these tips the next time you use one of our glosses:

  • Try pairing your favorite gloss with one of our lipliners. Using a lipliner helps to frame out your lips, and gives the gloss greater staying power.
  • Want more color? Just apply the gloss over your favorite lipstick. This doesn’t have to be a dramatic look. A nice gloss over a neutral lipstick color can provide a beautiful finish without being over the top.
  • Here’s a secret from makeup artists: If you want your gloss to pop more, lighten your lips with a dab of concealer, then apply the lip gloss over the top.
  • For the smoothest application, make sure your lips are properly prepped. Exfoliate them with your favorite lip scrub, or just rub them with a damp washcloth.
  • Don’t let anyone tell you you’re too old for lip gloss! Gloss can actually be a fabulous makeup tool for women over 50, and can create the illusion of fullness as your lips lose their youthful plumpness.

Choosing the right shade of lip gloss is also important, so here are a few tips:

  • Fair-skinned women usually look best in lighter colors, like soft rose tones, blush, or beige. Dedicated and Spirited are two of our best glosses for you fair-skinned beauties.
  • If you have a medium skin tone, you’ll likely want to look for glosses with more of a brown base. Deeper shades of rose, mauve, and berry tones work well for you. Our Admired lip gloss is just one example of a shade that might suit your complexion.
  • For those with darker skin, plum, chocolate, and red lip glosses will really help to make your lips pop. Bold and Royal would both be a good fit for your beautiful skin tone.

Above all, just find a shade that you absolutely love. Finding your own look and defining your own beauty is the number-one rule here at Shine! But if you need a little help finding your perfect look, try out the tips above, or consider reaching out to one of our Beauty Ambassadors.

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5 Tips for Protecting Your Skin from the Summer Sun

5 Tips for Protecting Your Skin from the Summer Sun

Summer is in full swing, and it’s a hot one! Even if you love the heat, dealing with the constantly rising temperatures and merciless sun and wreak havoc on your skin. Overexposure to the sun can lead to premature wrinkles and uneven skin tone—not to mention potentially fatal skin cancer. Protecting your skin during the summer heat is important to looking your best as well as protecting your health. So here are 5 tips to protect yourself throughout the summer.

Don’t Limit Sunscreen to the Beach

Most people are pretty good about slathering on the sunscreen when they put on their swimsuits. But you’re exposed to the sun every day—not just when hitting up the beach or the pool. So don’t just stick your sunscreen in your beach bag. Put it in your purse. Apply sunscreen any time you’re going to be out in the sun for a significant period.

Ideally, you should put on sunscreen every day, but we realize that this just isn’t realistic for most people. So at the very least, be sure to put some on if you’re going to spend more than 30 minutes outside. Whether you’re doing yard work, taking your kids to the park, or going on a long walk, put sunscreen on any exposed skin before you leave the house.

Protect Your Lips Too

Your lips need protection from the sun as well, so look for lip balms that offer SPF 30 or higher to keep your lips from getting dried out or baked by the sun. Apply your lip balm first, then top it off with your favorite shade of lipstick, LipLast, or a simple lip gloss. Or, if you’re going without makeup for the day, wear the lip balm all on its own—just don’t skip it!

Wear a Stylish Hat

Hats can offer extra protection for your face and neck, as well as being a stylish accessory. Of course, hats aren’t appropriate for all occasions, but if you’re going to be outside for a while, it’s always a good idea to pull on a cute hat—preferably one with a wider brim. This will help keep your face, neck, and ears out of the sun.

Reapply Every Two Hours

If you’re going to spend a good portion of the day in the sun, make sure you’re reapplying your sunscreen every two hours. If you’re swimming or sweating, reapply every hour. This will ensure maximum protection throughout the day.

Wear Foundation with Sun Protection

The skin on your face is more sensitive than the rest of your skin, and so it needs a little extra protection from the sun. So, even if you’re not going to spend a lot of time outside, you should be giving your face a little bit of protection every day. The simplest way to do this is with a low-SPF foundation, like Shine’s BB Cream. Our BB Cream offers SPF 15 protection to help protect your skin from everyday sun exposure.

You can wear this foundation over an oil-free sunscreen as well, if you’re going to be spending a lot of time outside. Or, if you’re simply getting ready for a day of work, it can be worn on its own to give you a flawless finish with additional skin protection.

Summer is a great time of year, and many of us enjoy soaking up the sun’s warm rays. Just make sure that you’re not soaking up too much, and take the proper steps to keep your skin healthy and beautiful all summer long.

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Product Tips & Advice: Blush

Product Tips & Advice: Blush

Blush is such a simple and timeless product. Women have been using it for centuries to add a bit of color to their cheeks, and to emphasize their bone structure. Shine’s blush comes in three different shades, and offers a simple way to give yourself a natural, radiant glow. But there’s more to blush than meets the eye. Keep reading to learn about some of the features and benefits of our blush product, as well as get some tips on applying your blush properly. (Spoiler alert: It’s more complicated than you think!)

Features and Benefits

Shine carries three shades of blush:

All of our shades are lightweight and offer sheer coverage with natural-looking color. The buildable color of the blush allows you to add as little or as much as you desire to achieve the right look for your style, skin tone, and face shape. And, the long-lasting color will give you that rosy-cheeked look all day long.

Tips for Use

There’s a general way of applying blush that works well for pretty much everyone: Using a blush brush, blend the color onto the apples of the cheeks, moving upwards and outwards towards your hairline. However, if you want to up your blush game, you should apply your blush differently depending on your face shape:

  • Round: Apply only to the apples of the cheeks.
  • Heart: Apply to the cheeks, and blend the color upwards and out to the corner of the eye, into the hairline.
  • Oblong: Apply to the apples of the cheeks, with separate dash of color at the temples.
  • Square: Apply in a triangular shape. Follow your natural smile line for the base of your triangle. Apply all over the apples of the cheek, to the edge of your cheekbone.
  • Oval: Apply to the apples of the cheeks, and blend up and out towards the hairline just above your ear, and add another touch of blush at the temples.

The shade of blush you use should be based on your skin tone. Here are a few suggestions to follow to ensure you’re getting the right look:

  • Pale: Use just a single shade of Nurture for a rosy look.
  • Fair: Use a small amount of Invincible.
  • Medium: Try a touch more Nurture, to a watermelon-like hue.
  • Tan: Add a bit of Enough to your cheeks for added color.
  • Dark: Try a few layers of Invincible on your cheeks.

Of course, these tips are just a guide. Experiment with the blush’s buildable color to find the right look for you. And don’t be afraid to try out a little contouring with your blush as well. Find the look that works best for your unique and beautiful face!

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